Delugeator Web Randomizer
- based on default new synth
- every numeric parameter is randomized accoding to a triangular probablity distribution
- distribution amount can be modified
- that means = you can set how randomly different it will be from default value. The higher the randomness, the more probable is that a setting value changes a lot from original default setting. But it's random so who knows.
- non numeric selections (synth mode, syncs etc.) are just picked randomly from allowed values (some values are removed here, depends on the setting)
- 0-8 random unique modulations (default 2), higher number of modulations more probable on harder randomization settings. (This is in addition to Deluge's default Velocity/Aftertouch -> Volume modulations)
- Some restrictions to delay and saturation maximum (not in HARDCORE MODE)
- Volume is always 40 and one oscillator/carrier must have a volume over 25
- random transposing is performed octaves, no oscilliator detuning currently
How to use
- Select the amount of randomness needed for each component or select some predefined templates from top dropdown
- Bigger value means that the component values will possibly deviate more and more from their default values. Or not. God knows what'll happen.
- You can also remove components from being randomized by clicking the checkbox in front of the slider. Useful for for example noise or arpeggiator or delay
- "But what do all these components do?" RTFM! Though some explanations:
- 'General' is the basic settings, mainly main transpose and polyphony and also the synth type is set here. Without it you will always get a substractive synth. "What's that?" RTFM!
- 'Osc 1/2' are oscillator (subtractive synth) or carrier/modulator settings (FM synth) depending on what happens in 'General'
- 'Effects' are everything from reverb to decimation and bitcrush and also some mild saturation (expect in HARDCORE MODE where saturation can crush your brain).
- 'ModFx' selects or doesn't select a chorus, flanger or phaser and some settings for that.
- 'Filters' is both LPF and HPF settings
- 'Modulation' can get wild
- To add to the fun you can also randomize the options. A component has a 25% chance of being turned off completely and the randomization amounts are, erm, totally random.
- Click "Create synth" and the app will download your new synth and also show it. And then click again. And again. We know you want to.
- Load the synths to the Deluge SD card's SYNTHS-folder. Test. But use a low volume... Just in case.